Look Again: Successful High-Tech Entrepreneurs

Stefan Theil shatters a few myths in this piece from Newsweek:

“As it turns out, the average founder of a high-tech startup isn’t a whiz kid like [Mark] Zuckerberg [of Facebook], but a mature 40-year-old engineer or business type with a spouse and children who simply got tired of working for others, says Duke University scholar Vivek Wadhwa, who studied 549 successful technology ventures.

“What’s more, he says, older entrepreneurs have higher success rates.”

Incidentally, the version published in the hard-copy September 6, 2010, issue is only two paragraphs long, whereas the Web version runs four times as long.

That’s some skillful editing, but I was surprised to find the longer version on the Web, with only a digest in hard copy. This seems like a reversal of recent publishing practice.

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