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Visualize 2010 U.S. Census Data

Mark S. Luckie of the Washington Post has put together a collection of newspaper sites that help you view and visualize 2010 U.S. census data.

Type in your zip code on the New York Times census map, for example, to see how population and demographics have changed where you live.

Thanks to the Newsfeed at MediaBistro.com for the pointer.

Infographics: Radiation Exposure

This excellent infographic showing some effects of radiation exposure appeared earlier this week in the San Francisco Chronicle.

Compare the radiation you might be exposed to with a dental x-ray as opposed to with a CT scan. Then consider whether you’d apply for a job as a radiation worker.

The graphic artist is Melina Yingling of McClatchy Tribune Information Services.


Erin Allday, Japan Nuclear Health Risks Minimal, Experts Say,” San
Francisco Chronicle
, March 16, 2011.

Infographics: Timeline of Japan Earthquakes

Click on the word Play under this interactive map to watch depictions of seismic activity in Japan before and after March 11.

Ken Schwencke and Thomas Suh Lauder of the Los Angeles Times prepared this mashup from USGS data.

It’s odd that watching these graphic depictions of Richter scale numbers can cause the heart to beat faster, something that might not happen if we were to read the data in a simple table. Is it the motion that causes this?

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