Take Part in the Great Sunflower Project

Researchers at my alma mater, San Francisco State University, are looking for ordinary individuals to help in their project to count bees in cities: the Great Sunflower Project.

This project is a first step in helping to determine what effect urban bees have on pollination.

According to the Great Sunflower Project web site: “We do not know much about how healthy bee populations are maintained in an urban environment. Because natural habitats are uncommon in urban landscapes, they may not provide enough resources to support viable pollinator communities. However, if other habitats, such as urban gardens and restored areas, are sufficiently connected to natural habitat, then native populations may thrive.”

You can register with the group to receive a form on which you can collect data about local bees. If you live in the United States or Canada, you can also get free Lemon Queen Sunflower seeds to plant in your garden to attract bees.

Learn more about the Great Sunflower Project.

If you’re wondering why we should care about bees, you may not have heard about what’s being called colony collapse disorder, a recent dying off of bees that are used in U.S. agricultural production.

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